Vienna Contemporary Kursalon Vienna
7–20 September 2023
During Horn’s residency at ISCP (International Study and Curatorial Program) NYC in fall 2022, the artist started implementing ideas of combining photography and painting. The “NYC Still Lifes – Ghost Monologues” present a series of still lifes, taken at Horn’s NYC apartment, furniture, and objects of the everyday, that interest her in their dimension of having their own secret memories. The photographs are inkjet-printed on canvas and then Horn adds a layer of ghostly appearances to it with paintings, merging the real with a world that only exists as a feeling. Besides the paintings Horn presents a series of vintage architecture lamps - of which Rama used multiple in her home and studio in Turin - and transforms them into sculptures by painting and installing them with found antique objects. These works establish a dialogue with Carol Rama, whose timeless work Horn admires, for its radical intimacy, being deeply inspired by the interiors of Rama’s house in Turin, where the artist lived and worked for over 70 years.
Anaïs Horn: Per Carol (Piede di principessa), 2023, vintage architecture desk lamp, cast iron lamp stand, found objects, ca. 70x70 cm.
Anaïs Horn: NYC still lifes / Ghost Monologue IV (Rapunzel), 2023, oil and oil stick on inkjet printed linen, 90 × 60 cm, in artist’s frame.
