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"Paperwork" in Paris <3

Opening 20.10.2023


Cabanon, 74, avenue Ledru-Rollin

75012 Paris

Conceived in NYC in 2022 the group exhibition comprises a collection of works involving paper gathered throughout a year of travel, made possible by the medium’s lightweight quality and compactness involving artists based in NYC, L.A., Stockholm, Paris, Brussels, Oslo, Berlin, Düsseldorf, Zurich, and Vienna:

Eilert Asmervik

Elizabeth Beugg

Karolin Braegger

Flora Citroën

Ugo Ferro

Sophie Gogl

Gregory Tara Hari

Anaïs Horn

Alex Hunter

Felix Kindermann

Jacob Lay

Patricio Lima Quintana

Ulfur Logason

Susanna Maila

Fatima Moallim

Patrick Carlin Mohundro

Eva Robarts

Kate Sansom

Andy Schumacher

Jake Shore

Chang Sujung

Philipp Timischl

Emmanuel Troy

Kjeld Undseth & Joakim Mathisen

Max Wetter

Noa Yekutieli

organized by Anaïs Horn & Eilert Asmervik

The exhibition is set in a Parisian courtyard studio, please call +33 (0)661288992 or ring the bluetooth doorbell to access. Please mind to keep a discreet volume while entering the private courtyard.

Opening times

20.10.: 16.00–20.00

21.10.: 14.00–18.00

22.10.: by appointment


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